Some time and space to for you to be held and heard. Time for you to be able to stop, to breath, to stretch, connect,share, explore the past, be seen and witnessed in what hurts, the grief, the anger, the fear.
But also understanding these parts of you don’t work on goingly in your everyday life.

So then onwards to be held and coached to start to move forward, to take actions, to achieve your goals for the future- to live a fulfilling content life.
Time to starting exploring and creating who you’d love to be and then taking actions from this newly birthed, empowered you!!

With the perfect balanced synergy of the two - being present in body(feminine) and present in mind (masculine) you discover who you are now , who you want to be now, what you want now-,what you love and this will 100% include yourself.

My services

hand-drawn armchair icon

One to One Coaching

A whole hour for you to focus on you and what you want to create in your life, with me guiding and cheerleader you the whole time

60 mins |  £150.00

Course fee 3 sessions - £450.00

Course fee 6 sessions - £870.00

Course fee 9 sessions -£1300.00

Course fee 12 sessions - £1740.00

Access to book sessions is in the Book your Session page in the options bar on my Home Screen.


Silent Counselling Sessions

Are you ready to get to the root cause of your issues and completely clear them from both mind AND body?

Through a blend of Silent counselling and alittle wellbeing coaching you are going to do exactly that!

By firstly reconnecting your mind (beliefs) and the body (energy) then tapping into your body’s wisdom through a mixture of muscle testing and meridian points - you can clear and release emotional,mental and physical burdens through specific breath work techniques.

Once you are clear in the body, new ideas and actions will automatically bubble up into your mind so that you can go forward and both physically and mentally cause transformations in your life.

60 mins |  £150.00

Course fee 3 sessions - £450.00

Course fee 6 sessions - £870.00

Course fee 9 sessions -£1300.00

Course fee 12 sessions - £1740.00

Access to book sessions is in the Book your Session page in the options bar on my Home Screen.





“You do not have to be stuck with any limiting or disempowering beliefs that you may have about yourself. 

This is not who you are!!

Come an create 

and discover 


true self!!

Your ego may not like you wanting to change but that’s what I’m here for - to not let that little voice in your head stop you from being whoever you want to be or do anything you want to do.”

I’m excited for you!!

-Aimee Cox

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.