Hi, I’m Aimee and I would like to welcome you to my journey to well-being and possibly to the start of yours.
A little about me and more about my coaching style.
I am a qualified Well-being Life Coach (Mind set) Silent Counselling Practitioner (Somatic body work) Reflexlogist,Reiki Healer, Aromatherapist and Woman’s Circle Facilitator.
I’m in my early 40’s, and a loving, committed wife to my wonderful husband Romesh and an adoring mother to my incredible 9 year old little boy Raphael and my delightful 3 year old daughter Primrose.
Bar the above family hobbies, I personally cannot think of anything else that I’d rather be doing than listening too you and what your dealing with and then asking you and your body thought provoking questions for you to find the answers to your concerns,from within you.
For me there is nothing better or more moving than witnessing people coming back to who they really are Empowered,Loving,Peaceful and Joyful Souls.
As you will see below - I think many of us lose our way on our journey to being happy,healthy and content and in a way this is perfect, as going through the rough times only hones our diamond to shine even more brightly!! But please don’t be stuck or lost in the rough like I was for over 15 years - it really doesn’t need to take this long to come out sparkling.
Don’t settle for an average life, with some self reflection and a few tweaks in your life you can 100% be living a life that you love.
So since I was my sons age - I’ve been passionate about people being loving,thoughtful and compassionate to its inhabitants,it’s animals and the beautiful planet we are blessed to live on. Them all being safe,happy, healthy and content in a peaceful healthy world. (Not saying I wasn’t a little bit of a princess back then too (I’m all about being real😆)
Then the teenage years and early adulthood took over - upsets,heartbreaks,co dependency,anxiety,shame,low self esteem, daddy issue as one of my coaches kindly pointed out, the ego (our unfriendly voice in our minds) took hold and squashed the childhood dreams.
At 17 I trained as a holistic therapist, after a few years I set up my own therapy room and really loved nurturing my clients this way but something was still missing for me!! It was also during this time, providing my therapies that I noticed that even though people were physically relaxing on my treatment couch,they were mostly not relaxed in their minds. There for not being holistically content (relaxed in mind as well as body).This always felt like a miss match to me and I did wonder if my treatments were actually making a difference to the people who came to see me.
Fast forward 15 years of anxiety,confusion and a general sense of being lost and unfulfilled, that somehow i managed to hide from most people, therefore making these feeling worse. It wasn’t until my late 20’s that I discovered reiki healing, colour therapy, angel cards,meditation and spiritual books. These were all super helpful and nourishing and made a difference to me, my understanding of self and my spiritual and feminine side. My healing journey had begun!!
Yet i still found myself stuck with crippling anxiety, depression and dissatisfaction with how my life was going. Thank goodness I explored what I call my masculine side. My mindset -the ingrained narratives from childhood that were constantly repeating in my head,the thoughts that were keeping me stuck in this lost,confused,low energy,stressed state of being. Thoughts like “I’m too stupid to succeed” “I’m not good enough” “I need an boyfriend to make me feel loved and fulfilled”.
With amazing supportive coaches that I’m eternally grateful for. I cut the crap and got into reality. I took responsibility for my life,started taking actions and letting go of my internal thoughts which had been causing my external limitations. The constant thinking of resentments and regrets from the past or worrying about the future seised.
I grew a foot taller - showed my head above the parapet and started to be seen and heard. I started to host woman’s circles, spoke in public for the first time ever, started to speak my truth, met the man of my dreams, got married, stepped up as a daughter,sister,friend, mother and then trained to be a Well-being Life Coach and Silent Counselling Practioner.
I’d always read about being in the present (over the past or future) but never knew what it meant or how to achieve it till now. I can only describe it as peace of mind-freedom, liberation and utter joy!!!
And yet I missed my gentler, fulfilling connection to the feminine.
As women, we are changeable creatures and ideally are not suited to constant action. We feel, we be, we reflect,we listen, we share,we nurture others. Understanding our inner cycles as a woman is essential.
For me the balance of our masculine and feminine energy’s is key, no matter what gender we are. To ignore one of these energy’s can leave us unfulfilled with a sense of something being missing. No matter how quiet or hidden that sense is.
Coming into sacred relationship with ourselves is such a beautiful feeling and feels like coming “home”.
Through my challenging yet perfect journey, it brings me back to my childhood dreams of being a contribution and to creating LovetoBe Well-being Coaching. Some time and space to for you to be held in the feminine - to stop, to breath, to stretch, to connect, to be heard,to explore the past, and to be seen and witnesses in what hurts,the grief the anger the fear. But also understanding these parts of you don’t work for you on goingly in your everyday life, so in a well being session with me we spend time clearing and releasing those old hurts/stuck emotions through the somatic therapy.
Once these are cleared you are free to be held and coached to start to move forward, to take actions,to meet your goals for the future,to live a fulfilling content life.
Time to starting exploring and creating who you’d love to be and then taking actions from this newly birthed, empowered you!!
With the perfect balanced synergy of the two, being present in body (feminine) and present in mind (masculine) you discover who you are now, who you want to be now, what you want now, what you love and this will 100% include yourself.
Also instead of mixing the two styles of coaching, you can of course - choose one and stick with that. Stay in the feminine energy of talking,reflecting and slowly letting go or after a brief initial conversation get stuck in with the masculine goal setting and action taking.
If my story or any of this resonates - please do not hesitate to pick up the phone and be in touch. Your welcome to have a half an hour free of charge if you have any questions.
Much love - Aimee x
What is well-being?
This question maybe subjective and open to interpretation from person to person.
I always like to go with the dictionary definition of a word and this personally lands for me, so here goes =
The state of being comfortable,healthy or happy.
Maybe throw in being content,confident,fulfilled,successful,loving/lovable.
This is the beauty of the style of coaching I bring to you, is that YOU get to CHOOSE who you BE and what well-being looks like for you personally. No matter what circumstance/s you’ve had in the past or currently have now.
One on One Coaching
A whole hour for you to focus on you and what you want to create in your life, with me guiding and cheerleading you the whole time.
Sessions are hosted over video call or by telephone.
60 mins | £150.00 | Get started
Coaching + Somatic Journeys
A 4 session blend of well being coaching and somatic silent counselling.
240 mins | £555 | Get started
Women’s circle
Some sacred time to connect with your sisters from all over the globe. Held around the 8 main turns in the wheel of the year (Solstice’s- Equinox’s)
For Women who want to connect and sit knee to knee in circle with other woman over the magical airwaves. Who want to celebrate each other, take sacred time to reflect and to connect with oneself, honour Mother Nature, share authentically, journal, create,meditate and Be together for the love of spending time in the loving and accepting embrace of the feminine.
✨Magic happens when woman gather✨
90 mins | £22.00 | Get started
Various Courses
Complete the past to call in THE ONE! Starts 6th March 2025 @pm
4 Session | Get started